Stay at Home

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Beschrijving: Why are we here up for you? And why are creators of all games working so hard? Just for you to stay the fuck home, as long as it's needed. If you want, just believe theories of conspiracy and that few rich people invented this. But the disease is real, and people are dying, no matter who will make money on that. But don't get in touch with older people and others who will probably not survive this shit. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, black or white, Asian or Indian - the virus is too stupid to sort all of you. We just want you to stay the fuck out of this and do your job from home, if possible. That's why creator of the game My New Life made this short game from previously made content. Fuck Covid-19 and stay healthy!
My New Life Revamp

Version: Updated: 2020-03-31, Posted: 2020-03-31. Request for an Update!

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